GM Foot & Ankle Treatment For Painful Joints

Joints are what connect our bones together and if these joints are damaged or are not working as they should it can cause severe debilitating pain.​

​The most common cause of joint pain is arthritis and although this is often a chronic condition, GM Foot & Ankle will provide you with expert assessment of foot mobility and function in order to find a treatment to help resolve your pain.

We are confident in offering a wide range of advanced assessments and treatments for MSK (Musculoskeletal) conditions to patients in Mirfield, Huddersfield, Brighouse and West Yorkshire.

Treatments include:

  • Biomechanical Assessment
  • Run 3D Gait analysis
  • Diagnostic Ultrasound imaging
  • Steroid injection therapy (HCI)
  • Orthoses (insoles)
  • Taping
  • Rehabilitation programme

If you feel your condition is related to the inside (intrinsic) of your foot/ankle then you will require an Advanced Diagnostic Consultation

Call us to make an Appointment:

01924 562354

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